Sunday, May 31, 2009

On Saturday I took Jackson to the spring fair we had at my school. He had a great time on the inflatables, getting tattoos and playing with the other kids. Aubrin spent some bonding time with daddy and went to a baseball game.
We had sink issues this weekend and Jackson was so excited to get his tools out and help Todd. He said he fixed it for us:)
Aubrin has found a love for looking at books. This weekend she sat for 15 minutes at a time looking at books by herself. Aubrin got two new teeth and has two more coming in. Her poor little gums are so swollen. She is in good spirits and they don't seem to be bothering her much. We hope you have a wonderful week.

Monday, May 25, 2009

What a busy couple of weeks we have had. A couple of weeks ago we had a visit from Erin, Jayson and the babies. Jackson was so excited to meet his new cousins. Jackson was very gentle with them and wanted to love them. Aubrin on the other hand was very interested in trying to touch their eyes! Emerson and Will are doing great. They are sleeping for 6-7 hour stretches at night!!! We hope to get there for a visit soon.
Jackson is a diaper and pull-up free little boy. We are so proud of Jackson for how well he did with potty training. We've had a few accidents, but overall he is just doing great! Over the past
couple of weeks Jackson has had many play dates with his buddies. He and his friend Camden love to sit at the baseball games and eat peanuts and watch the game. Also his friend Chloe, our next door neighbors granddaughter, was in town for a week so they had a great time playing on the swings and riding around together.
Aubrin is learning more and more each day. She lights up when you say Jackson's name and searches for him in the house. Her new word is "this". She points to everything and says "this". Aubrin got her first cold over the past couple of weeks, which then turned into a double ear infection. Thanks to a trip to the doctors she is doing much better and back to her happy self. Aubrin has decided that she is done eating baby food. She will only eat food that she can feed herself. It's hard to believe that we will be celebrating her first birthday in a couple of weeks.
We have been very busy with Todd's baseball season. His team just won their conference and now is moving into districts. We spend many evening at the field cheering daddy's team on!
We hope this finds everyone happy and healthy.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Outdoor Fun

I think we can officially say the warm weather is here. What a beautiful weekend we had. We conquered the yard work this weekend. It's never fun, but at least we had nice weather. Jackson and Aubrin had a great time playing outside. We took many wagon walks. Jackson is very curious about all of the big trucks working down at our club house. We spent a lot of time sitting and watching the big trucks dig. Aubrin has found a love for the swing. She especially likes it when Jackson is swinging next to her. We hope everyone has a wonderful week and finds time to sit and enjoy the nice weather.