Last week Jackson went for his 3 year and preschool check-up. He is doing great! He was super funny at the appointment. He told the doctor that he has tomatoes growing in his ears and pickles up his nose so she better look in both. Dr. Bobal was blown away with the growth in Jackson's speech from his visit last year. That's right, we have not seen her since his two year visit. We are keeping our fingers crossed for another great year of health for our little guy.
Aubrin has been busy trying to keep up with her big brother. She is a mile a minute around the house and always cracking herself up. Aubrin is saying many words and also attempting to say many. She also put two words together for the first time this week. She said, "Hi Dad".
Jackson worked very hard painting a new picture for Aubrins room. He LOVES to paint.
We spent some time at Grandma and Papa Millers house swimming. Trying to celebrate summer as long as we can. Both kids are getting much more comfortable in the water. On Sunday I took Jackson to the community pool and he was very proud to swim all by himself.