Monday, April 16, 2012

Let the Seasons Begin

Picture 1793

Baseball season has officially begun in our house. Todd’s season with the high school team is off and running and Jackson once again feels that he is truly on the team. Picture 1792This year we had a jersey made for him, with his own number. He has been going over to the field after school to spend some time at practice. Of course he feels like a pretty cool kids because one of the baseball players walks over and picks Jackson up from school and then they walk over to the field. Of course that’s the greatest thing in the world when you are five! We try and get to as many games as we can to watch. Jackson sits in the dugout with the team and runs out between innings to “warm up” the outfielders. He takes his position on the team very seriously.

Picture 1985Jackson has also started practicing with his own team. He loves being on the team with  his buddies, but best of all Todd is coaching his team. Jacks thinks it’s pretty great! Jackson team loves that they get to practice on a big field. They practice on Todd’s high school field. I love the little things that make them smile. He also had to have the same number that he has on the “Lakeland” team.

This is also the time of year that becomes the most busy for our family. With Todd practicing and playing games everyday, I have to be home by 4:20 to get Jackson off the bus. That means walking out of school at 4:00 with my students with a huge bag full of school things that need to be done after the babes head to bed. After getting Jackson off the bus, we either head straight to Todd’s game, or head to Jackson practice. Then we get home take showers and do homework. It’s a busy schedule, but everyone seems to be loving what they are doing:)

Picture 1992Aubrin has made a few new friends of the siblings that Jackson is playing with. The girls run a round at practice playing soccer or putting on dance shows for us parents sitting in the stands. Picture 1991 I love watching her play and talk with other kids. Aubrin is a very independent little lady with LOTS to say. The other day I reminded her not to be bossy. Her response was, “Mom, it’s not being bossy. It’s called being helpful.”  Hmmm, I think we will have our hands full with our little lovely.


Monday, April 9, 2012


After all of our preparations for Easter, it was finally here. We went to mass on Saturday evening. It’s always a longer mass, but we didn’t want to rush in the morning. The kids were great at church. They were both excited that they got to hold their own lit candles  this year. They both enjoyed singing, especially Jackson. Not knowing the words, he still sang very loud~love him!

After church we came home and got ready for bed. Before bed the kids put their baskets in the living room in hopes that the Easter Bunny would fill them. Aubrin was feeling a bit anxious that he might hop upstairs, but after a lot of discussion she went to bed.

Picture 1866Todd and I finished up all of the evening festivities and went to bed. Although not much longer (12:30am) we hear, “Mom, come up here”. Jackson had gotten up to go to the bathroom. Walking from his room to the bathroom he got a glance down in the living room. He said, “Did you see what the Easter Bunny brought Aubrin?” At that point he was WIDE AWAKE! That was fantastic because it was 12:30 in the morning. So I got him back in bed. An hour later he comes downstairs wanting to know when we should get up. What???? So I walked him back upstairs and I laid down in his bed. We both fell asleep. At 4:30 Aubrin came in his room and climbed in with us. She fell back asleep. At 6:00 they were both up and giggling and asking when we should get up. I left them upstairs and told them they could come down at 6:30. I also reminded Jackson  not to tell Aubrin about what he saw in the living room. at 6:15 they were both giggling so hard. Todd went up and they were both standing in front of Jackson clock watching it and waiting for it to be 6:30. Todd came back down got the video camera ready and we told them to come down. Not the good night sleep I was hoping for, but I have to admit I love when they are this excited, even if it’s really early in the morning!

Picture 1867They both walked downstairs and Aubrin said, “Oh my goodness, the Easter Bunny brought me a bike Jack!” She was thrilled. I think Jackson was just as thrilled for her.Picture 1870 The kids came down and went straight to their baskets. I’m not sure why the kids have baskets. The silly Easter Bunny thinks it’s Christmas and nothing ever fits inside of it!  With all of the excitement about Aubrin’s bike, Jackson didn’t even realize that he got an equally fun present. He got an inflatable water knee hockey game.

Picture 1872Picture 1874

Then the hunt for the eggs was on. Jackson and Aubrin had fun looking for their eggs and the treasures that they found inside. With it being so early we decide to go out to breakfast. We quickly threw on some clothes and away we went.

Picture 1875Picture 1879

Picture 1882Picture 1881

Once we got home, I had to finish up a few details before our guests arrived. We were only having 12 for dinner, so I didn’t feel too crazy getting everything ready. While I worked in the house, Aubrin was busy riding her bike and Jackson  was trying out a new kite that he found got in his basket.                Picture 1883 Picture 1884 Picture 1885 Picture 1886 Picture 1887      Picture 1888Picture 1892Picture 1891

Later in the day everyone came over~My parents, Aunt Connie,  Uncle Phil, Uncle Chris, Aunt Marlys, Conner and Peyton. It was so nice to see everyone. Aunt Connie and Uncle Phil brought shells, crab legs, sand and sand dollars from Florida for the kids.  Jackson and Aubrin loved all of it! Aubrin was excited to spend the day with Peyton doing puzzles and playing games.

Picture 1894Of course Jackson and grandpa found their way to the golf course to putt for a while. As usual, everyone found a spot in the kitchen to talk and nibble before dinner. It’s funny how people are so attracted to staying in the kitchen. We had so much food and we ate so much!!!! Picture 1893It was a wonderful day spent with family. Everyone left at around 8:00pm. We got everything cleaned up and got ready to head back to school on Monday.

Being off for the week and having so much fun, it makes me wish summer was here tomorrow!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break Adventures

We have been counting down the days for our spring  break to start. I think we all needed a little break from school and work. We look forward to staying  in our jammies a little longer in the morning playing games and being a bit lazy. Although we had a few lazy mornings planned, we also had a few projects that needed to be done. Todd and a few of his players help him plant trees going down the cart path. Some golfers think that it’s fine to drive their cart through our yard to get to the next hole quicker. We are hoping that the trees we put up will fix that problem. Todd and the boys also replaced boards on the deck and stained both the deck and the playscape. They both look like new. All of those projects took a bit longer than we thought so it left the kids and I with a few days to ourselves to play.

Picture 1822Picture 1821

We headed to the farm one day. Many of the animals are getting ready to have their babies or just had them. We like to go first thing in the spring so we can watch them grow all summer. We did a loop around the farm and then off to get ice cream. It was the same old story. The kids eyes were hungrier than their stomachs. They both ate a couple bites and were done. They want to think that they like sweets, but truth is, they would both take an apple over ice cream any day. It just sounded yummy! I shouldn’t complain!

Later in the week we headed to the Howell Nature Center. I have wanted to take the kids there for a while.

 Picture 1836Picture 1837   Picture 1840  Picture 1842       Picture 1846 I had heard great things about it, but it’s a drive. It took about an hour to get there, but let me say, well worth the drive.  The nature center is full of rescue animals from Michigan- coyotes, bobcats, eagles, owls, porcupines… it was terrific!

Picture 1835Picture 1839

All of the animal habitats are built within a forest.  Jackson and Aubrin had a great time exploring and learning why each animal was there. Picture 1845We were lucky enough (I think) to be there for feeding time. Most of the birds eat frozen rats. Jackson thought it was great and Aubrin thought it was gross. I had mixed feelings.  When we were driving home, they were already talking about going back to show dad. Picture 1843

After dinner we headed out for a fun evening of fishing. Jackson and Aubrin dug up worms in the yard before we left. The boys both caught a few, but no luck for us girls. Better luck next time!

Picture 1823Picture 1826 Picture 1824  We also headed to the zoo at the end of the week. For some reason Jackson felt that he needed to wear a sweatband on his head and carry his “satchel” with him.

Picture 1855Picture 1847Picture 1854He said he needed a place to put is hat, mittens and snack. He was a site for sure.  He was also a great tour guide reading the map for us. It was a bit chilly, but all of the animals were out.  It was such a strange feeling going to the zoo with no stroller or wagon.  As always in my “Oh my goodness, my babies have grown out of something state” I was sad for a moment of two, but quickly got over it as I saw how easy it was to move around the zoo freely with out any extra baggage.  Picture 1848The tiger was the main attraction for us as it was roaring loudly. So fun to watch the kids faces as they have new experiences.

      Picture 1820Picture 1819

We also spent time this week preparing for Easter. Jackson and Aubrin made a few crafts for the house, gifts for grandparents and help decorated. Grandma and Papa were supposed to come for dinner and color eggs, but Papa was sick, so grandma and Aunt Caryn came. Picture 1860Picture 1858Picture 1857Picture 1856

We had a great time coloring eggs, Jackson showing off how he can ride his bike and having dinner.

It was a spring break well spent. Once return to school I only have 41 more “get ups” before summer vacation and Todd and the kids have less! We can do it!!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Balance…I got it!

Picture 1779Last fall Todd took Jackson’s training wheels off of his bike before we put it away for the winter. Jackson dabbled with it a bit, but he thought he would wait until the spring to really get started on practicing. A few months ago Todd and I went to Jackson’s school auction. We bid and won on bike ride and picnic lunch for Jackson with his teacher (and a friend). When we got home and told Jackson, he was excited and then mortified. He said, “I really need to get started on riding my bike without training wheels.”  So now that we have such nice weather he has been able to practice. The first day, Jackson did pretty good. There was a lot of leaning going on, but he was really starting to get the hang of it. I started out running behind the bike, but then I realized, if I’m running and holding on, I can’t take pictures. So Todd did the holding and running and I could get some great pictures. Jackson fell a few times, but he got right back up and started again. Aubrin ran next to him cheering him on.  Finally my little lovely got  on her scooter so she could keep up. Picture 1781Picture 1776

 Picture 1775  Picture 1786Picture 1791Yesterday Jackson got back on his bike. Todd was behind him for a bit of support. He let go and down the street Jackson went. He never looked back, but Todd and I could tell he was smiling from ear to ear knowing the accomplishment he made.

All day today he was zipping up and down the driveway, back and forth on the sidewalk. Then there is Aubrin, running behind him like a puppy, still cheering him on!