Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tomorrow will be better

Growing up I always had an overwhelming feeling come over me when someone was disappointed in me or mad at me. I always felt that I needed to find a way to fix the situation. For those that know me well, know that I still carry that trait even as I've gotten older.
We have had a lot of tough love in our house the past couple of days. Jackson is starting to not nap during the day and instead just have rest time reading books in his room. This is fine, until early evening comes and the result of no nap is clearly evident. The oth
er night before bed, Jackson said to Todd very confidently. "I'm going in the basement to play basketball." Todd explained to him that it was time to go upstairs, read books and get ready for bed, but they could play in the morning. Jackson sat down on the basement step and said, "I'm going down." Now Todd and I both knew this was not going to happen, because Jackson is pretty sure we have bears living in our basement. The chance of him going down the steps to the dark basement on his own was very slim. Although, he stood strong and just sat there. Todd and I didn't say anything and within five minutes, Jackson was laying at the top of the basement stairs sleeping.
Yesterday again we had a difficult day for more reason than one. At dinner Jackson said in a very quiet voice," Mom, I'm sorry I'm not listening so good to you." My response was, "Tomorrow will be a better day." As the night went on, Jackson wanted me to sit with him, even more than normal, read more books, color more- I think he just wanted to be close because he had that feeling that I was not happy with him. Not by what I was saying to him, but maybe for what I was not. A couple hours after the kids went to bed and the house was quiet. I heard Jackson call for me. I went up to his room. I sat down next to him and he put his sweet little arms around my neck and said, "Mommy, tomorrow will be better." And it was....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Ah! I love this story! This is why I love blogs- captures those amazing 'everyday' moments. You are blessed!