Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Little Guys Big Day

Last Monday morning at 7:15am I was sitting in our office working on the computer and all of the sudden I hear... thud, thud, thud. I go up in Jackson's room and he is jumping on his bed chanting, "Today I'm going to school, today I'm going to school." That's right, the first day of preschool. Jackson had been waiting for the first day of school since his last day last spring. The first thing Jackson said was,"What time is the bus coming?" Todd and I had been telling Jackson that he was not riding the bus this year, but next year he will when he goes to kindergarten. He was still pretty sure that it was coming for him. I had to break it to him, again, that it was not coming. As we were eating breakfast we heard the bus coming for the elementary school kids. I opened the front door to show him that it was going to drive past our house. As the bus drove by Jackson said, "Are you kidding me?" I think then he realized it really wasn't stopping for him. As Jackson was getting dressed and getting his bag together, Aubrin was doing the same. Aubrin wanted to go to school too! We went outside took a few pictures and then we were off to school. Shelia came to watch Aubrin for the morning. As we were driving to school Jackson was telling me how excited he was to see all of his friends and Mrs. Katie and Mrs. Debbie. When we got to school Jackson ran and gave Mrs. Katie a big hug.
Last year when we went to school on the first day Jackson was a bit shy and stayed close to me. This year Jackson was very independent and walked into the classroom with confidence. He said hello to his friends from last year and asked me who the new faces were. Mrs. Katie called all the kids over to the rug for circle time. It was so fun to see how all of the kids have matured over the summer. Mrs. Katie was handing out name tags and the kids had to say who they brought with them. Most kids would say I brought my mom and then the mom would introduce themselves. When Mrs. Katie got to Jackson he said, "I brought my Amy with me." That's my kid, always getting right to the point. Jackson had the chance to do a few activities, play with friends and had snack. As we left school he Jackson was already telling how excited he was to come back on Wednesday.

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