Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Party

Today Jackson had his pumpkin party at school. He was so excited to wear his costume and show his friends. I think he was even more excited that dad was coming to the party. Todd took the morning off so he could spend the morning in Jackson's classroom.They had a great morning together playing games, doing crafts and eating yummy treats. Last year at the party I remember Jackson being very shy and not wanting to stand up and say what his costume was. Todd said this year was different. Jackson was much more confident getting up to share. He stood in the middle of the circle and did a few trick with his night stick...oh goodness. I think he feeling right at home this year. After the party Todd had to get back to work. Jackson really wanted to go and spend some time in Todd's classroom. As Todd was teaching his class and Jackson was writing at Todd's desk, the fire alarms went off. They had to evacuate the building. Todd called Shelia right away to pick Jackson up. Todd said that Jackson was great through the whole situation, but Todd had to worry about his students and could not be "Dad" at that moment. When Shelia came to get Jackson he was devastated that he had to leave. Later when I got home and talked to Jackson about all of the excitement in his day he told me all about his party, but more importantly, the fire at the school. He just didn't understand why he had to come home. He thought being a police office (remember he was still in costume at Todd's school) he should have stayed to rescue the people. He said, " Police don't leave a fire. They stay and help people." I love that he took on the identity of his costume so seriously.

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