Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bird feeders

Last week Jackson asked me where animals get their food during the winter. He said that they must really be hungry and seemed a bit concerned. So this weekend we decided to make bird feeders. We got out the peanut butter, pine cones and birdseed and started to make tons of bird feeders. Jackson did a great job making his all by himself, but Aubrin needed a bit of help putting the peanut butter on the pine cone. I had to run upstairs for a minute and when I came back Aubrin was licking all of the peanut butter off her fingers...and the birdseed. UGH!

As the kids were making the feeders they were making a list of all the people we needed to give them to as gifts. Jackson said, " Mom, can you go and get some of those plastic bags you have and some pretty ribbon so we can wrap them for presents to give to people?" When we were finished we left them out to sit for a while then put them in bags, and wrapped them with ribbon.

It was so cold on Saturday so we were not able to go out and hang them. Today was a bit warmer so we went outside and hung them in trees and from our play set. Both of the kids sat by the window waiting for the birds to stop by for a quick nibble. They both seemed proud of what they made and also that they were going to share them with others.

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