Sunday, May 22, 2011

Parade and Game

Last weekend Jackson was up early, dressed and packed up for his first t-ball game. Then we got the dreaded call that due to weather his game was cancelled. Jackson was disappointed, but he got to go to Todd's game dressed in his uniform and sit with the big the rain!
This weekend the weather was beautiful! Jackson was so excited for his first game and his first parade that he would be walking in. I on the other hand was a bit stressed with the logistics of the day. Todd had games all day so I was solo all day. That wasn't a big deal, but the parade was a bit tricky. Jackson had to be at a church near the start of the parade to meet his team at 9:30, however, we were not able to park at the church. The best place to park was at the end of the parade route where his game was going to be- 1 1/2 miles down the road. The coach asked for parents to walk in the parade with their child if they could because it was their first parade and they are so young. The only way for me to walk in the parade with Jackson would have been to park at the end of the route walk 1 1/2 miles down to the start of the route with both kids (the road wouldn't be closed yet and no sidewalks) and then walk the 1 1/2 mile in the much walking for both kids! So Coach Mike said I could drop Jackson off with him and he would keep an eye on him and walk in the parade with him. He said Jackson would be no problem because he is such a great listener (Good job buddy!)! I was a bit nervous since I have never just dropped either of my kids off and drove off. So I took a leap of faith and went for it. Aubrin and I dropped Jackson off at the church...I was feeling very nervous and he says, "Mom , you can go now, but will you remember to take pictures of me when I walk by you in the parade?" Really? I was stressed and he is just worrying about me taking his picture? Aubrin and I left, parked the car and waited for the parade to start. The team did great. They walked down the street holding hands and yelling out, " Go Hotrods" It was really cute. Aubrin had a great time waving to everyone walking by. After the parade Jackson had his first game. It was a round robin.
They played four different teams playing only one inning for each game. The kids had a great time. All of the little guys were very tired, but they were excited to play in their first game.

After the game we went to our friend Avery, Easton and Lexie's birthday party. The kids had a great time running around outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. On Sunday we spent the day outside spreading all of the mulch we had delivered, planting flowers and bushes and getting the yard ready for summer! The kids were very helpful and had a great time using their new gardening tools that the Easter Bunny brought them.

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