Monday, July 18, 2011

Nate's Birthday Celebration

This time it was Nate's turn for a celebration. We all headed over to grandma and Papas house to wish Nate a happy birthday before the Campau family headed to the Tigers game. We got there early enough to swim, have a yummy lunch and enjoy cake and ice cream before they had to head to the game. Jackson and Aubrin had a great time swimming in the pool with the family. Jackson has become a bit of a fish and taking more risks. He was jumping off the diving board, trying to do tricks and swimming under water! Aubrin still takes a while to ease into the water, but once she did, she had a great time. She either swims with her life jacket on or with a tube (often both).

Annie and Jackson were eager to get into Papa's garden and pick some onions, cucumbers and lettuce. They were both pretty proud to be able to bring some goodies home with them.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Those garden pictures are really cute!!