Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick’s Day

Picture 1740Last night we had a visit from a leprechaun. He wasn’t a leprechaun that created a mess or was mischievous, but one that left a fun trail of shamrocks in the house for the kids to follow to find fun treats. Jackson and Aubrin were so excited to come downstairs and find hundreds of shamrocks in the house. The leprechaun left them each a bucket to collect all of their treasures. They found gold coins, green candy, green bubbles, Lucky Charms, green jewels and green milk.  Later in the morning I found Jackson at the table graphing his Lucky Charms. It was an activity they had done in school the day before. I love that he drew his own graph. Although, I reminded him it was Saturday and he could just eat his cereal for fun. I love his ambition! Picture 1749Picture 1748Picture 1751

Picture 1773After our fun morning at home, we headed to bowling. Jackson loves his Saturday morning bowling with his buddies Aiden and Reece. Although it’s one of the LONGEST commitments we have made. The season is from September to May. The boys are starting baseball in the next month, so it looks like our bowling season will be cut short. 

Picture 1753Picture 1755Today was such an unusual day for March. It was 80 degrees out. So of course we had to plan a day outside. The Williamson’s came over to BBQ and catch up.  The kids are at such a great age. They were so busy playing that I didn’t really hear a peep out of them.Picture 1758 Picture 1756They played in the sandbox, rode bikes, scooters and then after dinner Todd and Eric played a baseball game with the kids. Picture 1762Picture 1769Mary and I watched and gave some loving Easton.

Picture 1767At 8:00PM we cleaned up all of the toys from outside and moved the fun inside. The kids had a contest to see who could collect the most shamrocks. All the kids each picked up over a hundred. Although I think I will still be finding shamrocks in July!

at 9:30 we said our good byes, the kids jumped in the shower and the tub and off to sleep they went. We had such a great day with great friends.

                         Picture 1771

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunshiny Day

Today I woke up for work already counting down the hours until I would arrive back home to play with the kids outside. I can't believe this beautiful weather we are having in March. I rushed home from work to find my babes playing basketball in the driveway. I dropped my work stuff in the garage and joined the game. It was so nice to be outside and enjoying the warm sun.

Jackson and Aubrin have been loving their new scooters that they got for Christmas. For a large part of this winter they have been riding them around in the garage. Jackson is buzzing around on his with no problem. Aubrin is trying to get her balance, but a lot of concentration is needed. There is no looking up, only looking at her feet to make sure "they are doing it right."
Yesterday started baseball season in our house. Try-outs are this week and then... let the season begin! Todd told Jackson last night that he could come up to the field after dinner for the end of practice. I don't think I have ever seem Jackson eat so fast. He was ready with his bat and glove in hand and his helmet on sitting in the car, as Aubrin and I were still finishing dinner.

When we got to the field Todd was finishing up try-out. Jackson knows that he is not allowed on the field unless invited. He patiently waited for Todd to see him and ask him to come out. It warms my heart to see Jackson's passion for baseball grow and his understanding of the game. As Jackson ran out on the field, Todd had all of the guys in a group talking with them. The guys noticed Jackson running out and acknowledged he was there with high five's and "what's up little man." He's back with the team and feeling proud.

Today's weather gets me excited for summer- lazy mornings, the smell of sunscreen and playing outside in the warm weather with no sense of time. Although it's still ways away, it puts a smile on my face just thinking about it!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Tessa

This weekend we celebrated Tessa's 4th birthday. It's hard to believe that the little lady is already four. Krista and Mike had everyone one over for a birthday brunch. All of the cousins were happy to see each other. The kids had a dance party in the basement or Nate would call it, "Club Campau". Disco ball and all, the kids were having a great time.

When it was time to open presents Krista asked the kids to get around Tessa for a quick picture. It was crazy that we got all 11 kids in the picture, for the most part looking at the camera, no one crying, no one crawling a way and almost everyone smiling ...that never happens! It's a treasured picture for sure.

We also have exciting news for the Miller family. Our family will be expanding by 3! Michele and her family are expecting their 5th baby in June. She will be a busy momma!
Scott and Katie are expecting their first baby in August. We haven't seen Katie since Christmas, so today we were able to see her cute little belly!
A few weeks ago Ted proposed to Caryn. We are so excited that we will be able to officially have him in the family. We couldn't be happier for them.
We look forward to all of the changes and fun filled events happening this year!