Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick’s Day

Picture 1740Last night we had a visit from a leprechaun. He wasn’t a leprechaun that created a mess or was mischievous, but one that left a fun trail of shamrocks in the house for the kids to follow to find fun treats. Jackson and Aubrin were so excited to come downstairs and find hundreds of shamrocks in the house. The leprechaun left them each a bucket to collect all of their treasures. They found gold coins, green candy, green bubbles, Lucky Charms, green jewels and green milk.  Later in the morning I found Jackson at the table graphing his Lucky Charms. It was an activity they had done in school the day before. I love that he drew his own graph. Although, I reminded him it was Saturday and he could just eat his cereal for fun. I love his ambition! Picture 1749Picture 1748Picture 1751

Picture 1773After our fun morning at home, we headed to bowling. Jackson loves his Saturday morning bowling with his buddies Aiden and Reece. Although it’s one of the LONGEST commitments we have made. The season is from September to May. The boys are starting baseball in the next month, so it looks like our bowling season will be cut short. 

Picture 1753Picture 1755Today was such an unusual day for March. It was 80 degrees out. So of course we had to plan a day outside. The Williamson’s came over to BBQ and catch up.  The kids are at such a great age. They were so busy playing that I didn’t really hear a peep out of them.Picture 1758 Picture 1756They played in the sandbox, rode bikes, scooters and then after dinner Todd and Eric played a baseball game with the kids. Picture 1762Picture 1769Mary and I watched and gave some loving Easton.

Picture 1767At 8:00PM we cleaned up all of the toys from outside and moved the fun inside. The kids had a contest to see who could collect the most shamrocks. All the kids each picked up over a hundred. Although I think I will still be finding shamrocks in July!

at 9:30 we said our good byes, the kids jumped in the shower and the tub and off to sleep they went. We had such a great day with great friends.

                         Picture 1771

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