Saturday, May 5, 2012

Finally, the park is open

We love Central Park in downtown Milford. We have been waiting and waiting for it to reopen for the season. We went there today and finally it was time to play. The kids had a great time running around and playing on the structures and the swings. Aubrin was a bit more daring this year and went down attempted to go down the bigger slides. I think she will have it down by mid summer.

Picture 1979Picture 1980Picture 1962

We also did our favorite thing at the park and went on a nature walk through the paths in the back of the park. Jackson and Aubrin found some great rocks to add to their collections and Jackson was very busy picking flowers for me.

Picture 1977

Picture 1978

After the park we headed home to make gifts for Teacher Appreciation Week for their teachers. I always try to    involve the kids in the gift so this year we made homemade lemon sugar hand scrub. Picture 1984It was a messy gift to make which resulted in olive oil being splattered on the curtains, but in the end, the kids had great gifts for their teachers!       

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