Monday, July 23, 2012

The Tooth Fairy

Jackson has been wishing, and wishing for a wiggly tooth. For about a year he has been saying, "I think this one is wiggly mom." Nope, still in there tight buddy! At school they had a tooth chart to record all the teeth the kids lost during the year. Jackson's was bare, as was many other charts. Finally about a month ago we were eating dinner and Jackson took a bite out of his corn on the cob. He said that his teeth hurt and he couldn't eat it. Sure enough, his two bottom teeth were loose! For the past month Jackson was been wiggling his teeth every 5 minutes hoping they would come out. Todd and I are both really grossed out by wiggly teeth, so I didn't think we would be much help to him. I thought I would be different with my own kids, but nope! 
This morning we headed to the dentist for a cleaning for both the kids. We were hoping that third time would be the charm for Aubrin. She goes each time, but is yet to let them clean her teeeth. This time she was ready and even a little excited. Jackson went first when we got there. Our dentist moved to a new office so JAckson asked me if I would go back with him. He felt a bit nervous in the new office. Aubrin stayed in the waiting room with Todd. After Jackson's cleaning, Dr. McNutt showed me Jackson's x-rays. His teeth were just sitting there, ready to fall out. He asked if I wanted him to take them out. "Oh yes, please!" So without Jackson even knowing, Dr. McNutt popped both teeth out. I must say that I got a little teary eyed (Shocker, I know), but my baby lost his first tooth! Jackson was so excited. 
We walked out into the waiting room and Jackson couldn't wait to show dad and Aubrin. Very wide eyed Aubrin said, "I'm not going back there!" Poor girl was thinking Jackson went back there with all of his teeth and then comes out with two less- NO THANKS! She went back, but once again, no cleaning. We counted her teeth and the dentist could get a good enough look to see that there were no cavities. So off to a pediatric dentist we go!

Before bed that night Jackson said that he needed to write the tooth fairy a letter. He really wanted to keep his teeth, because they were the first to fall out. So he wrote her a letter that said, " Please leave my teeth."Jackson put his tooth box and his letter under his pillow.
The next morning Jackson woke up early and was excited to see that his teeth were still there as well as money and golf balls.

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