Sunday, September 16, 2012

MSU Fair

 I always look forward to the third Saturday in September. The MSU Tollgate Center always puts on the best fair for families. Its a bummer that Todd always has a golf outing on this weekend, but its the annual Brentwood Cup (mock Rider Cup) in our neighborhood and something he looks forward to all year.
This year my mom was able to join us. After Jackson's flag football game we headed into Novi, met my mom and then headed over to the fair. It was beautiful afternoon to spend outside. The fair was packed. We ran into 6 families from my school and also Tony was at the fair with the boys. That was a fun surprise!
We spent a lot of time doing crafts. The kids made dragonflies, painted with fruits and veggies, made spiders out of egg cartons, painted pumpkins, went on a scavenger hunt... it was so fun! Jackson really enjoyed the demonstration on how to make apple cider. He got right in there and got to crank the handle a few times.
 As we were leaving we stopped at the table with all of the veggies they grow right there at the Toll Gate Center. So we picked out a few things and we were on our way.
In a few weeks we are going back to get our family pictures taken there. I was so happy to see that there will be a few great spots.
Today as the Brentwood Cup ended we spent the day with our neighbors at the clubhouse chatting, eating and celebrating our last days of summer together.

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