Sunday, November 25, 2012


On Thanksgiving I decided not to bring my camera along. Sometimes I find that I am trying to capture so many moments in pictures that sometime I miss other moments around me happening. Today I sat back and enjoyed the day and just took everything in. We started our day at Todd's parents house. Everyone was going over early to watch the football game and celebrate Cassie turning 3!!!! So we stopped there before heading to Dexter for dinner. It was nice to relax with everyone and catch up as all of the kids buzzed around the house.
Then we headed to Dexter for dinner. My aunt always does a wonderful job cooking and preparing her house for 40 people. Erin and her family were in town this year. Aubrin and Emerson LOVED playing in Peyton's closet of American Girl Dolls and accessories. Jackson worked hard on teaching Will to play air hockey without getting his fingers crushed. I always love when the four of them can reunite.
 As I think about all that I am thankful for, I think I could go on and on forever. However, I am most thankful for the health and happiness of my family.
Here is the only  picture I have as documentaion of the day. It's the annual picture taken for my mom and dads Christmas card.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Trying New Things

This year Jackson is trying out a few new things~ Basketball, boy scouts and religious Education classes. With adding all three of these things into our week, we sure did get a bit busier.

Jackson has always loved basketball. Although he doesn't really know all the rules. So he is on a skills team once a week. He plays every Sunday from 5:30-7:00pm. The first 45 minutes is skill and the rest of the time they scrimmage. After the first night we got into the car and he said, "Mom, that was the greatest night ever!" I think he is going to like this so much more than flag football. With football there was a lot of standing around. Basketball he didn't stop running.

This summer Jackson went to a boy scouts outing at Proud Lake to see what he thought. I wanted him to be introduced to it because I want him to have choices about what he can do and to know that it doesn't always have to be athletics. Wow, boy scouts sure it a lot of work! The amount of reading and activities we have to do at home to prepare for the meetings is crazy!!!!Jackson has to remember a lot of information about our country and state and all of the history that goes with it. Although, its only twice  month. Did I mention that I'm an assistant Den mom????He seems to be enjoying it and he gets a little extra time with all of his best buddies.

Then there is religious education. Jackson really enjoys going. He has a lot of questions about God these days, even before he started going. He feels like he is getting some answers and learning a lot along the way. Of course boy scouts and religious ed are on the same night. Our Mondays look like this:
School- 9:00-4:00
Religious Ed.- 4:30-5:45
Boy scouts- 6:30-7:45
I start my work for school-8:45

 Aubrin likes Mondays because she gets Todd all to herself for most of the evening. They read books and play lots of games. I think it may be Todd's favorite night too!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

 Happy Halloween! We have had such a great week leading up Halloween~ going to the pumpkin patch, carving and painting pumpkins, making goodies and classroom parties. Jackson and Aubrin had a great time carving their pumpkins. As always, they are both so grossed out by the feeling of the inside of the pumpkin. Jackson washed his hands 50 times and Aubrin would only use a spoon. We really need to toughen up these babes!
In September Jackson decided he wanted to be a race car driver. Todd and I thought that was a funny choice since he has never watched a race in his life. Then I came across a great costume so it all worked out. Aubrin wanted to be a cheerleader. I loved that she could wear my costume from when I was four. Thanks for holding on to it mom!!!
 On Halloween Todd stepped up and was wonder dad making sure he got to both classroom parties. He took a half day so he could get to Aubrin's party. She was pretty excited that he was coming. After her party she came home, took her nap and then she and Todd were off to Jackson's parade and party. I was bummed that I couldn't go, but I had my party at the same time.  Jackson loved his party and did a lot of fun activities.
After worked I raced home so we could eat dinner, get into costumes again and meet up with the neighbor kids. I stayed home to pass out candy and Todd bundled up with the kids. They both lasted about an hour and then headed home to handout candy. 
The Halloween Fairy came today. She wasn't going to come this year, but she did upon request from the kids. I wonder when that will wear off...until then, I will take it.