Monday, November 12, 2012

Trying New Things

This year Jackson is trying out a few new things~ Basketball, boy scouts and religious Education classes. With adding all three of these things into our week, we sure did get a bit busier.

Jackson has always loved basketball. Although he doesn't really know all the rules. So he is on a skills team once a week. He plays every Sunday from 5:30-7:00pm. The first 45 minutes is skill and the rest of the time they scrimmage. After the first night we got into the car and he said, "Mom, that was the greatest night ever!" I think he is going to like this so much more than flag football. With football there was a lot of standing around. Basketball he didn't stop running.

This summer Jackson went to a boy scouts outing at Proud Lake to see what he thought. I wanted him to be introduced to it because I want him to have choices about what he can do and to know that it doesn't always have to be athletics. Wow, boy scouts sure it a lot of work! The amount of reading and activities we have to do at home to prepare for the meetings is crazy!!!!Jackson has to remember a lot of information about our country and state and all of the history that goes with it. Although, its only twice  month. Did I mention that I'm an assistant Den mom????He seems to be enjoying it and he gets a little extra time with all of his best buddies.

Then there is religious education. Jackson really enjoys going. He has a lot of questions about God these days, even before he started going. He feels like he is getting some answers and learning a lot along the way. Of course boy scouts and religious ed are on the same night. Our Mondays look like this:
School- 9:00-4:00
Religious Ed.- 4:30-5:45
Boy scouts- 6:30-7:45
I start my work for school-8:45

 Aubrin likes Mondays because she gets Todd all to herself for most of the evening. They read books and play lots of games. I think it may be Todd's favorite night too!

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