Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter and a Chilly Spring Break

We always love our Easter preparations. Making a few decorations, dying eggs and going to mass. Although I have to say lately I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with life. I went downstairs the other day and sitting in the storage room was my bin labeled Easter. Yep, totally forgot to get the decorations out this year. It wasn't even on my radar to get them
 out for two days and them pack them back up. Oh well, there is always next year.
We made a few decorations to put on our windows. Jackson and Aubrin always love a good craft project. It doesn't matter if I give them specific materials and tell them what the end product should look like or I give them a hodge podge of stuff and say, create. It's always a good time.
We also had fun dying eggs. Aubrin was just thrilled to use her "egg scooper" as she calls it. She uses it all year to get salad out at dinner, but it very excited to use it for its actual purpose!
On Easter we got up early and the kids were excited to see their baskets and see what treasures the bunny left this year. We hunted for lots of eggs and found them in record time. Although we were still finding eggs for  a few days in high places. The kids played with their new treasures while I made breakfast.
We headed to mass at noon with the buzz of children every. Most of the littles in mass had some type of trinket they got from the Easter Bunny. After mass we headed to the Miller's for the day. Kaye hid eggs in the yard. Each grandchild had a color coated egg in an area of the yard. The kids had a great afternoon with their cousins.
That next week we all had off of school for Spring Break.We did a few day trips, went to the movies, Tigers opening day and just had a relaxing time around the house. It was nice to spend time together with out feeling like we had to rush around getting things done.

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