Monday, July 8, 2013

Magic Kingdom~ Day 2

We were up early and ready to leave on the first shuttle to the Magic Kingdom. We wanted to be there to see the park open. Wouldn't you know it~ the electrical was down and they couldn't do the show:(  I thought everything was perfect at Disney World??? Oh well! The train still pulled in with all the characters. The kids were excited to do the count down and walk through the gates to start our day. We headed straight back to the Buzz Lightyear  ride. The kids both remembered that ride from the last time and said it was a must to go on first. Then we headed to the cars. Jackson was more than thrilled that his legs were long enough to reach the peddles and he could almost drive by himself. Then there was our little sunshine. Most things come very easy to Aubrin, but when something is hard...WATCH OUT!!!! She was having a difficult time steering the car and she was so frustrated. By the time we were done, she thought it was the worst ride and it was the!!!!! After she realized that all three of us were laughing at her she lightened up a bit. When we were walking through the park was saw Merida. Aubrin loves the movie Brave, so of course we had to stop and get her to sign her frame. Jackson was more into shooting the bow and arrow. Then we were off to the afternoon parade. We LOVE the parades and shows. The kids loved dancing to the music and seeing all of the characters. After eating a late lunch we decided to head back to the hotel for a little nap and swim before coming back to the park for the light parade and fireworks.
The pool was just what we needed to cool down. The kids had a great time on the slides and swimming.
We headed back to the park in the evening to ride more rides and find a great spot of the parade. We had ice cream and enjoyed the light parade. They added a few more floats from our last visit. Aubrin was excited for the fireworks to start because she really wanted to see Tink fly down from the castle.
After a long day we headed back to the hotel. Once we got back and all tucked into bed it was close to 11:30. All in all it was a great day. The last time we visited Disney we had a double stroller. We zoomed around the park. Today we had to walk a bit slower and take a few more rests, but as I walked by one of the stroller "parking lots" I was pretty happy that we were without stroller this time.

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